Get ready….
…even for the Unthinkable!
What makes the Value of your business?
What are the Risk that can kill your business?
How to protect it against those Risks?
At the intersection of Risk Management and Business Strategy,
our ERM Starter Pack addresses those business critical questions (and many others)
and helps you implement a Risk based Strategic Roadmap, with references to concepts like Business Model Canvas, Lean Startup, or Backcasting
The perfect start for your Enterprise Risk Management System!
Our Approach:
When we say “pragmatic”, it’s not an empty word!
We expect our Starter Pack to provide immediate, tangible results:
Introductory Meeting
No Big Theory, but quick tips to understand the key concepts
Interactive Workshops
A practical exercise where concepts are immediately turned into action, following methodology derived from ISO 31000.
Meaningful Deliverables
Useful, ready-to-use, replicable deliverables your Team can immediately take ownership of.
ERM Starter Pack
Enterprise Risk Management in 6 bullet points
A preparation meeting
A 1-hour (or more !) interview to prepare the sessions, understand the context, define scope and set goals.
Interactive Workshop 1
What are the Risks that can kill your Business?
An introduction to Risk Management, immediately applied to your own Major Business Risks [MBR]
An interim report
A structured summary of your Major Business Risks, and an interim Risk Processing framework (for your homework!)
Interactive Workshop 2
Time for Action!
Risk Processing methodology, and implementation of a Risk-based Strategic Roadmap
A wrap-up session
Open discussion: debriefing, feedback, next steps, …
Final report
The Final Report includes: your MBR Risk Register & Heat Map, an Action Plan, and your roadmap to Entreprise Risk Management.
Our ERM Starter Packs 2022
CHF 1’800.-
CHF 3’200.-
Preparation Meeting
Interactive Workshop 1: Major Business Risks
Interim Report
Interactive Workshop 2: Time for Action!
Wrap-up Session
Final Report
Preferred rate for any « Risk Management as a Service » subscription scheme.
Custom Pack: your customized Starter Pack, specifically designed to match your needs
All prices excl. VAT, valid until 31.12.2022
When none of the above packs is exactly matching your expectations, a customized Starter Pack can be designed.
Please do not hesitate to request a FREE quote, based on a quick assessment of your situation.
Interested in our ERM Starter Pack? Want to know more?
Lets’ start the Conversation!
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Please contact us!